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  1. Study Suggests Taking Supplements May Reduce COVID-19 Risk in Women

    Study Suggests Taking Supplements May Reduce COVID-19 Risk in Women

    Even with the much-anticipated arrival of the COVID-19 vaccine, there is still a long way to go before we are out of the woods in battling this deadly virus. Fortunately, you are not powerless when it comes to protecting yourself from infection. In addition to following the recommended protocols and proper personal hygiene practices, wearing a mask and practicing social...
  2. 5 Tips for a Heart-Healthy Holiday Season

    5 Tips for a Heart-Healthy Holiday Season

    Cardiac incidents, including heart attacks, typically increase during the holidays. Dr. Christopher Cutitta, a St. Luke’s University Health Network cardiologist, points to a variety of factors contributing to this unfortunate seasonal heart health trend. These factors include changes in diet and nutrition, disruption of health routines and holiday-related stress. Help keep your holiday season happy by giving your heart health...
  3. Thanksgiving 2020: Preserving Mental Health During the Pandemic

    Thanksgiving 2020: Preserving Mental Health During the Pandemic

    As the opening day of the holiday season, Thanksgiving can be stressful -- even without Covid-19 concerns. The focus on family and tradition can bring up a lot of emotions, expectations and pressures. It’s no wonder so many people struggle with mental health issues during this time of year; even those that look forward to the holidays with joy and...
  4. Winter Nutrition Guide for Healthy Immunity, Mood and More

    Winter Nutrition Guide for Healthy Immunity, Mood and More

    Winter can put a damper on immune system function, energy levels and mood. Cooler temperatures and shorter days often translate into less sun exposure and reduced physical activity. This can impact serotonin levels and mood, as well as immune function and energy levels. Cold and flu season, along with a busy holiday season, can add to the challenges of the...
  5. The Hidden Connection Between Inflammation and Aging

    The Hidden Connection Between Inflammation and Aging

    Chronic inflammation is a largely unrecognized condition that plagues millions of people worldwide. When unaddressed, it can lead to some of the most debilitating health conditions of our time: arthritis, autoimmune diseases, heart disease and even cancer. Recent research points to a strong connection between inflammation and aging. Read on to learn more about what causes chronic inflammation in the...
  6. Whole Body Vibration Benefits the Microbiome and More

    Whole Body Vibration Benefits the Microbiome and More

    While you may not be familiar with whole body vibration, or WBV, it's a practice that has been around for several decades. New research has found that whole body vibration benefits include a reduction in inflammation, while it also promotes a healthier gut microbiome. What is Whole Body Vibration? Initially introduced in the early 1990s, whole body vibration is a...
  7. Examining the Risk of Cognitive Decline in Old Age

    Examining the Risk of Cognitive Decline in Old Age

    As we age, it is natural to experience a gradual decline in cognitive function. Although it is normal to experience a certain level of decreased brain function with advancing age, cognitive changes that go beyond what is to be expected at a certain age can be the first signs of dementia. Understanding the various symptoms of dementia, the differences between...
  8. Work-family Conflict Affects Women More Than Men

    Work-family Conflict Affects Women More Than Men

    We all know that stress can affect physical health in a number of ways, partially because it weakens the immune system. Studies have also found that stress influences cardiovascular health, increasing the risk of suffering from a heart attack or stroke. In a recent study, it was found that the stress caused by trying to balance work and family, or...
  9. Resveratrol and Caloric Restriction: Can a Plant Compound Influence Lifespan?

    Resveratrol and Caloric Restriction: Can a Plant Compound Influence Lifespan?

    Resveratrol is a beneficial compound that's commonly found in the skin of dark fruits and vegetables. It's widely known as a powerful antioxidant and researchers continue to find new ways that it can benefit the body in this regard. It's also been found to possess antitumor and antiviral properties, which suggests it may help protect against unhealthy cell growth and...
  10. The Latest Updates in Gut Health Research

    The Latest Updates in Gut Health Research

    Not all bacteria are nefarious germs that spread disease and cause illness. The human body is host to a vast community of beneficial bacteria that play a role in maintaining optimal health. In fact, there are 10 trillion more bacteria in the body than human cells -- all of which exist in the gut microbiome. Located in the large intestine...